St Patrick’s Day
Sixteen years ago today we officially opened The Bythams Cattery. Waiting for that first telephone call to start our dream business off into the future. And you couldn't have made it up when that first call came through and the cat's name was given - 'Mog' became our...
New Year Changes
2024 will ring in a change or two at The Cattery. And NO, The Cattery is NOT closing! Whilst Vicki and Darren have decided their paths lie in a different direction to that involving The Bythams Cattery, I will continue running The Cattery and will ultimately be...
Price Increase
The words we hate having to use, but like many more small businesses we can no longer absorb the increases in both food, litter and power and as from 1st February 2024 our daily rates will increase to cover our additional costs. However we will ensure that we will not...
A Personal Note
On a very personal note, many of you who have recently attended the Cattery (especially during the week) will have been met by Darren, Vicki’s husband. Darren is now helping Vicki with the day to day running of the Cattery during the week, with Reg and myself looking...
Another factor that cropped up during the pandemic was the need for a card payment machine. In blunt terms, we were not using it and yet the card company was still charging us for having it on the premises. Needless to say, it went back to them. We asked for you to...
Drop off & Collection
Throughout the pandemic we introduced a system of timed drop off’s and collections for you to attend at the Cattery. Obviously done to avoid contact with others we have found it has enabled us to have more time with each of you as you come in, rather than us rushing...
Opening Up!
Some of you will already be aware that we are now accepting customers back into the Cattery premises when dropping off or collecting your fur babies. Whilst we are conscious of wanting to move forward, we are also aware that this retched COVID has not gone away and...
Happy Anniversary to Us
St Patrick’s Day is always etched on our minds as the day 13 years ago we opened our doors for business. Where has that time gone? The past year has been challenging for all and having remained open throughout, because of people moving house or the un-planned...
Island Puss
Following his few days of travelling across the country, going to heights he'd never taken before, Oz landed safely in the Isles of Scilly. By mid morning he was back with his Mum and Dad and checking out the surroundings in his new home. By evening he was settled on...
A Cat Called Oz
Many of you who have visited the Cattery over the past 12 months will have come across Ozy. He spent many hours neighbouring up to your furry friends and indeed loved playing and chasing ping pong balls on his side of the run, often chased by who ever was resident...